We have questions after seeing a picture of Musk's bedside table.

A picture shows a replica of a video game gun, four cans of Coke, and a painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware in a display box.

Drama Queen

We don't know why Musk posted the image, which was not related to the discussion about the Second Amendment.

We know that the bedside table is dirty. The man is in need of coasters, or at least a wet wipe, because the stains are all over the place.

Musk admitted that there was no excuse for his lack of coasters.

Gun Club

The image was quickly connected to Musk's pro-gun rhetoric.

Musk told CNBC in May that the right to bear arms is an important safeguard against tyranny. Those in power did not allow public ownership of guns because they wanted to maintain their power.

Musk, who moved to Texas last year and recently announced he was going to vote Republican, said he supports "tight background checks" for all gun sales and that the sale of assault weapons should be limited.

There's only one problem. If the historical pistol is functional, it wouldn't be very practical since the modern gun is fake.

The post follows a string of mass shootings that have renewed the debate about gun control.

The goal seems to be controversy.

Musk shows that he is a big baby when he cries about Trent Reznor.