As the House January 6 Committee wraps up its work and prepares to issue a report on its findings, multiple outlets report that former Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway met with investigators on Monday.
On April 1, 2020, Kellyanne Conway speaks to reporters.
Sources told NBC and CNN that she was meeting with the committee as part of its investigation.
The ex-advisor did not answer questions from reporters as she entered the interview room after being subpoenaed to testify.
The Washington Post reported in January 2021 that she spoke with White House aides who were with Trump on January 6 and urged him to speak with the Capitol rioters.
She got calls from the mayor's office in Washington, D.C., asking her to help persuade Trump to call in the National Guard to break up the riot.
In her book, Here's the Deal, she criticizes Trump's aides for playing along and giving full-throated encouragement when he insisted he won.
In June, she told Fox News they were making a mistake by not cross-examining witnesses and that the committee didn't have the "balls" to subpoena Trump.
The House January 6 Committee will have to be dissolved by the end of the year as it is nearing the end of its investigation. A final report detailing the committee's findings will be issued before the committee is dissolved. There is disagreement over what the report will look like, with Vice-chair Liz Cheney pushing to focus the report on Trump. The congressman wants the report to be broad and inclusive.
After wavering throughout its investigation, the House January 6 Committee decided to subpoena Trump himself for documents and testimony. It is certain that the litigation will not be resolved in time for him to testify before the committee is dissolved.
She was one of the top White House aides until she left in 2020. She is one of a number of high-level Trump aides who have been called to testify to the House committee since its probe began in June 2021. The House January 6 Committee doesn't have the power to indict anyone or prosecute crimes, but it can refer information and evidence to the Justice Department, which can bring charges.
The former Trump adviser met with the committee.
Cheney focused on Trump in his report.
The final January 6 report is expected to focus on issues other than Trump.