Children are posing with teddy bears in a fashion house's photo shoot.
The images were released as part of a campaign.
KimKardashian put out a statement in response to the pressure.
The images were removed and the company said it was taking action.
One of the "world's hottest brands" by some, and its luxury goods are a favourite of A-listers and influential people.
People were upset by photos from two of its campaigns.
The company's plush bear bags were the subject of a series of pictures.
The accessories look like soft toys, but are associated with bondage.
There were two pictures of children hugging backpacks.
Critics latched on to a second image from an earlier campaign promoting the brand's collaboration with Adidas.
There was a handbag on top of some documents.
The papers were from a US Supreme Court ruling, when people looked at the text.
The images were posted to the social media feeds of the company.
Users in the US objected to what they saw as "over-sexualising" young children.
June Nicole Lapine gained a lot of traction with her sarcastic reply to a critic and all the images were taken down.
The fashion house was accused of "endorsing child pornography" by some US media channels.
The case notes for the Adidas collaboration referred to virtual child porn.
The company apologized and said its plush bear bags shouldn't have been used with kids.
The items were removed from sale and the images were deleted from all websites.
Gabriele Galimberti is the photographer who shot the objects campaign.
The photos were supposed to be similar to his Toy Stories series of pictures of children posing with toys.
He said that he had no control over the models or products used in the photos, and that they were not explicit.
The documents that were displayed in the Adidas collaboration campaign were upsetting.
It said it was going to take legal action against the people it hired to make the images.
Gabriele said that he wasn't connected to the Adidas shoot.
KimKardashian was criticized for not speaking about the images.
The reality star is an ambassador for the brand and she did not speak about the scandal until Sunday.
She said she was "shaken by the disturbing images" and "any attempts to normalizing child abuse of any kind should have no place in our society."
She didn't speak out because she didn't want to disgust or outrage, but because she wanted to understand how this could have happened.
She apologized and said she was rethinking her relationship with the company.
She told followers that the brand would take steps to make sure it wouldn't happen again.
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