The 2019 Novel Coronavirus - which is also known as COVID-19 or 2019-nCoV - has arguably been more relentless in the media as it has spreading worldwide; so I thought I would offer you five resources related directly and indirectly to travel.

Four Reliable Resources For Travel and the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Without further ado, the four resources are as follows:


Staying properly informed about the 2019 Novel Coronavirus can be rather daunting, as so much information exists and no one knows all of the answers at this time. The four aforementioned resources will ensure that you get the best information and opinions with as little misinformation, hyperbole, and overreaction as possible - which will save you time.

I will continue to attempt to offer valuable information from the best sources in combination with my thoughts and opinions here at The Gate - and I invite you to please join in on the continuing discussion to provide a constructive discourse from which we can all learn.

This article is the latest in a series pertaining to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus in an effort to get the facts out with information derived from reliable sources.

Other articles at The Gate which pertain to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus include:

Photograph ©2014 by Brian Cohen.