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Facebook Government Social Networks The Military United States

The post was from the loosed-lips department.

From the BBC: "Individuals associated with the U.S. military" are linked to an online propaganda campaign, Meta's latest adversarial-threat report says.... On Facebook, 39 accounts, 16 pages, and two groups were removed, as well as 26 accounts on Instagram, for violating the platforms' policy against "coordinated inauthentic behaviour". "This network originated in the United States," Meta wrote. It focused on countries including Afghanistan, Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Yemen — and mirrored tactics commonly used in propaganda campaigns against the West...

Some of those in favor of the U.S. posed as independent media outlets and tried to pass off their own content as their own. Many internet services were involved in the operation, according to Meta. "Although the people behind this operation tried to hide their identities and coordination, our investigation found links to individuals associated with the US military," it says.

The article adds that experts believe the campaign "was largely ineffective."

Slashdot posted this.

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