A blue shark close up underwater with a human diver far in the backgroundImage source, Getty Images
Image caption, The blue shark, a member of the requiem sharks family, is the most heavily fished shark in the world

New trade protections have been given to some animals.

Several shark species and two songbirds were added to a list of species whose trade is restricted to prevent them being traded to extinction.

There was a decision made at the summit.

There is an ongoing global extinction crisis.

Dozens of freshwater turtles and frog are protected under the CITES treaty.

If we don't change the way we treat wildlife, over a million species are at risk of extinction.

The scale of the challenge facing the natural world has been shown by the governments at CITES.

Some of the new species will see a complete ban on traffickers, while others will see new restrictions to encourage more sustainable international trade.

The white-rumped shama and straw-headed bulbul are both found in South East Asia and have been decimated by the songbird trade.

A white-rumped shama songbird close up in its cageImage source, Wildlife Conservation Society
Image caption, Prized for its singing - the white-rumped shama

According to BirdLife International, the straw-headed bulbul is on the verge of extinction due to trapping in South East Asia.

The straw-headed bulbul is one of the species that should be listed, according to the Director of TRAFFIC South East Asia.

The straw-headed bulbul was banned from being traded at the global wildlife summit.

Three rows of colourful bird cages at a market in Jakarta, IndonesiaImage source, BBC/Victoria Gill
Image caption, Songbirds are trapped and sold in their thousands in markets like this one in Jakarta, Indonesia

Many songbirds that are unlisted do not have the same protections and are still in danger.

The decision was a strong and direct response to rapid declines in these species.

He said that unsustainable trade is a problem. Regulation, which can include trade bans, is definitely part of the solution. We should put it in place.

There are nearly 100 species of sharks and shark-like rays that have received protections to make sure their meat and fins are legal and sustainable.

Most shark species are under control.

The tiger, bull and blue sharks are part of the requiem shark family.

Glenn Sant, senior advisor on fisheries and traceability at TRAFFIC, says that requiems make up almost half of all international trade in shark fins.

Pale dorsal fin of a blue shark, photographed underwaterImage source, Getty Images
Image caption, The fins of the blue shark are used in shark fin soup and traditional Chinese medicine products

All of these sharks were added to account for "lookalikes", species that are difficult to distinguish from those that are critically threatened.

A protected shark can't be passed off as a protected shark in a trade.

The guitarfish family of shark-like rays have fins that are traded like shark fins.

The rays are vulnerable to fishing techniques.

Sant says it is an important first step. Being listed on CITES is exciting for us. The hard work starts when countries have to implement that.

The tiny, translucent glass frog and dozens of species of freshwater turtles are high in demand for exotic pets.

A small glass frog perched on a thin, branching stem of vegetationImage source, Getty Images
Image caption, Tiny glass frogs are in high demand from exotic species collectors

One of the most vulnerable groups of animals is the freshwater turtle.

There are two species of freshwater turtles that received protection.

Any trade will need proof that it is legal.

Other vulnerable species are still protected by the treaty, even though experts praise the additions.

A matamata turtle on a log against a background of forestImage source, Getty Images
Image caption, Threatened - the unusual-looking matamata turtles

Sue Lieberman is the vice president of international policy at the Wildlife Conservancy.

Despite their popularity as pets, Amphibians and reptiles have not received the same amount of attention as other animals.

Amphibians have been hit hard by climate change and disease, so they are more vulnerable to trade, according to Lieberman.

Amphibian habitats can become too dry due to the spread and severity of diseases caused by increasing temperatures.

Almost half of the amphibian species are listed as being threatened with extinction, making them one of the most threatened types of animals.

Lieberman says that there shouldn't be trade in a way that leads to extinction.

A pile of ivory animal tusksImage source, Getty Images
Image caption, Governments agreed again this year not to reopen the international market for ivory

Although governments rejected proposals to reopen international trade in ivory and rhino horn, experts expressed frustration that the divisive discussions were brought forward again this year.

Lieberman says that they can't afford to have an ivory trade.

  • Endangered species
  • Conservation
  • Wildlife trade
  • Extinction
  • Sharks
  • Birds