There was an unusual reason for the traffic stop at Berlin Brandenburg Airport.

Climate activists breach Berlin Airport runway

Several people gained unauthorized access to the airfield and Berlin Brandenburg Airport had to stop all traffic. Climate activists with the group Letzte Generation climbed through a fence at the airport and rode their bikes around the runways and tarmac.

The group wanted the public to stop traveling by air and for the government to stop subsidizing it. The police were told by the protesters that they intended to do this. The protesters were eventually taken into custody. The runways and taxiways had to be checked by staff before the airport could reopen.

Aktuell blockieren Unterstützer:innen der Letzten Generation das Rollfeld des BER.

Einige haben sich auf dem Asphalt festgeklebt, andere fahren mit Rad über den Rangierbereich und bringen so den Flugverkehr zum Erliegen. Vor dem Betreten des BER informierten sie die Polizei.

— Letzte Generation (@AufstandLastGen) November 24, 2022

A group of people sat on one of the main roads leading up to the airport last week.

The group has also protested at airports and roads. A group interrupted a concert.

++ Festgeklebt bei Beethoven-Konzert ++„Wollen wir wirklich unseren Kindern die Lebensgrundlage nehmen, weil es zu bequem ist etwas zu ändern?“

Genau wie es nur ein Violinkonzert von Beethoven gibt, haben wir nur diesen einen Planeten. #Elbphilharmonie

— Letzte Generation (@AufstandLastGen) November 23, 2022

The group threw mashed potatoes at the Monet painting.

This… isn’t accomplishing much?

Climate protestors have sincerely held beliefs and are likely to do good. I don't think their approach is doing much, and I think it's counter productive.

  • By shutting down Berlin Airport they probably increased total emissions, as planes had to circle and divert, increasing the amount of time they have to fly
  • While I think we can mostly agree that reducing emissions is good, telling people to completely stop flying probably isn’t a message that’s going to resonate with people
  • This group’s goal seems to basically be to destroy anything possible to make a point, even if it has nothing to do with the environment — “Oh you’re mad we threw mashed potatoes at a painting? Well, how about climate change?”
  • I feel like this is one of those situations where “you get more flies with honey than with vinegar,” but that’s not the approach the group is taking

Bottom line

Climate protesters climbed through a fence at the airport and rode their bikes around the runway before the airport was shut down. The Letzte Generation climate change group took this action. This isn't the first time that a German airport has been subjected to these types of protests.

What do you think about the Berlin airport protest?

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