JetBlue A320 aircraft.
JetBlue A320 aircraft.Marcus Mainka/Shutterstock
  • The man held a razor blade to the woman's throat on the flight.

  • The man is said to have told the woman to stop watching the movie.

  • He was accused of carrying a weapon on an aircraft and assault with a dangerous weapon.

The passenger held a razor against the woman's throat during the flight.

Merrill Darrell Fackrell was charged with assault after the flight from New York to Utah.

He was charged with having a weapon on a plane.

According to the DOJ, Fackrell held the razor to the woman's throat while she watched a movie. The blade was small.

He told her to stop watching her movie when he was sitting next to her.

He was holding a blade "inches from her skin at her throat/ neck area" when she removed her headphones.

The husband of the woman who was sitting in the same row went to the front of the plane to get help.

The woman lunged for the aisle to escape and the man tried to stop her by grabbing her shoulder.

The airline did not reply to the request for comment.

Various federal agencies were investigating how he was able to get a razor on the plane.

Business Insider has an article on it.