According to Musk, the check mark program could return on December 2nd with a new procedure to verify individual identities. The new process was painful but necessary. The original blue for individual accounts and gold for companies will be added to the verified check mark.
The idea of offering verified check marks for an $8 a month subscription was not a good one. After Musk ignored warnings from the platform's own trust and safety staff, the platform's paid Twitter Blue subscriptions rolled out and quickly resulted in some fake accounts, driving away advertisers from the "high-risk" platform. Musk said that the company wouldn't restart the service until they were confident that there wasn't a lot of fake accounts.
This is the first time Musk has offered details about the color check that will be used by the micro-blogging site. The blue check will be the same for all verified humans, Musk said. If they are verified as belonging to an org, individuals can have a small secondary logo.
There will be a longer explanation about how everything will work next week.