A video showing a toddler jumping on a tray table and running wild on an airplane has been posted on the internet. The parents were thinking.

Parents Let Toddler Run Wild On Flight, Even Jumping On Tray Table

My two-year-old daughter is having a hard time sitting still. She was a doll on our first class flight to Germany for Christmas last year, so I am leaning toward flying in economy so that she will be wedged between my wife and me and less likely to ruin the flight. I will choose a late departure to encourage and maximize sleep.

There are certain lines of decency and decorum that should not be crossed when travelling with a young child. A video titled "Letting children run wild during an 8 hour flight" was shared on the internet.

If I had to guess, I would say that the airline is Air France. Considering the eight-hour flight length and the English book, we can conclude that this flight probably touched the US.

The origin of the flight is not important. The child was allowed to run and jump on a table.

She asked her parents if they loved her. When you don't correct her, you show hate.

I can see it. She would make a loud noise if she was held. She would make a loud noise if she was strapped in. You feel like you are being watched.

Traveling with a child can be difficult.

This is worse than the previous one. This is not as bad.


Most of the time, parents try to control their kids on an airplane. I don't know if apathetic parenting is on display or if desperation to keep their daughter from screaming is at play. It is not a great look.

I think this is the sort of case where a flight attendant needs to get involved. You can't allow someone to destroy airline equipment.