I have reservations about reviewing a Shark smart vacuum again. When I received its first-ever smart robot vacuum, I ran it 35 times, but it never developed a map. I used to live in a house where I could walk from my bed to my daughter's room.

Since I dislike most robot mops, my expectations for Shark's new robot vacuum were very low. dragging out my manual Swiffer seems to be the most effective way to test many of them. Time has passed for both of us. Since I live in a larger house with different types of flooring, the Shark Artificial Intelligence Ultra is one of my most reliable cleaning companions. It's effective at half the price, even though it doesn't scrub as hard.

There is a location.

If you know anything about robot vacuums, you know that they tend to be picky about where they are placed. That's double for a robot vacuum that can also be used as a mop. You have to put the vacuum in the kitchen to start it from your phone. The robot doesn't have to travel across your carpet

Most robot vacuums can be stashed in discreet locations, but mopping vacs take up more space. I had to move the garbage bin and dog food bin in the kitchen to make room for the shark artificial intelligence ultra. Also, accessories are an issue. Some vacuums, like the iRobot Roomba j7+, have storage bins inside the docking station, but others, like the Shark, need you to empty out a shelf in your closet.

I needed a place where I wouldn't forget about the dustbin when I switched between mopping and vacuuming. It comes with a clean solution. It is possible to use plain water if you don't like it.

The shark dock is easy to spot. I measured it at 14 inches high and 19 inches deep, which is small compared to other docking stations. It mapped my house after one 20-minute run, which was a huge improvement over my first shark robot vacuum.

To each person's own.

People use their vacuum and mop in different ways. Some people want to wake up to a brand new house after the kids are asleep because they want to set up a routine.

I used to do it that way. Since my husband is traveling for work and I am single-parenting two gradeschoolers, a dog, and a grouchy hamster, I take my bits and pieces of clean up when I can. The Shark clean app is very easy to use. The no-go zone around the fireplace was added after I mapped my house.

When my kids go to school, I put the mopping bin in the robot vacuum and pick up the kitchen. The app gives a time estimate for how long the cleaning will take, that is reasonable. The mopping was very effective. It is very difficult for a robot vacuum to clean. It doesn't work if it releases too little fluid. Too much causes your floor to be wet.

The shark's bin releases cleaning fluid and wiggles as it mops up the floor The pattern on the floor can be seen if you select UltraMop in the app to spot- clean. A lot of dirt was visible on the microfiber cleaning pad that was easy to slide on and off the bin.