Stephen Wallace is a microbiologist at the University of Edinburgh. He says that the idea of using microbes for hydrogen production is indicative of a lot of the really interesting work being done in the field. Wallace and his colleagues are experimenting with bioreactors and have been able to get microbes to yield hydrogen from things like moldy bread or paper industry waste.

Jon Gluyas, a geology professor at Durham University, says that while some microbes help produce hydrogen, others can eat it or use the gas in natural wells. He says that they are trying to keepbacteria away from hydrogen.

He has a problem. He thinks that gold hydrogen is different from what the factory is suggesting. The term refers to hydrogen that has been underground. He should be aware. He said he named it. It's just a coincidence that the company gave the same name to its hydrogen as it did to its other products.

For more than a century, geologists have pondered how much of the natural hydrogen could be found in the ground. In 1910, a scientist from Germany described how he had found an outflow of hydrogen at a salt mine and tracked it for four and a half years. Even into the 1980s, the idea of widespread subterranean sources was poorly understood.

She remembers surveying sites for gasses and seeing a lot of hydrogen. She remembered that the rocks were full of hydrogen. The earth has bubbles. She and her colleagues have mapped the locations of potential hydrogen sources around the globe.

Natural hydrogen wells can be created by different processes. Radiolysis is a process in which subatomic particles naturally emit by radioactive rocks cause certain molecule to break apart. Crystalline rocks are associated with hydrogen.

Hydrogen is formed in the ground before anyone has a chance to remove it. It's difficult to find a large and intact underground hydrogen source. There is no one who can say whether or not the hydrogen in the rocks will be viable at scale.

The company Gold Hydrogen in Australia is trying to find hydrogen deposits. There could be a total of 1.3 billion kilograms of hydrogen at the depths of around 500 meters in the Ramsay Peninsula. There is a well-known source of hydrogen in the country. There are bare patches in the middle of vegetation where hydrogen is coming out of the ground. It has not yet been possible to commercially extract hydrogen from such locations.