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Even though some industries are pulling back on hiring, you should still look at job postings.

The skills section of the job descriptions is where you should focus if you don't already have them. You can identify the hurdles you need to overcome to get to the next stage of your career.

The authors of The New Rules of Work gave this tip. The most important lessons that the president and CEO of The Muse have learned are summarized in the book.

Job-seekers still have a lot of leverage despite the layoffs in tech. There were over 10 million job openings in the United States in September.

The authors don't care if you're perfectly content in your role. Even if it's within the same company, you will want a promotion at some point. It's time to prepare for that urge.

Take the reins of your career

"In today's workplace, it's not your manager's job to make sure you have the skills you need to advance; it's yours," says the book.

Too many people wait for their manager to give them a promotion or a game plan for getting one in their lap. They may be stuck in their careers due to this.

"Professionals who stay upwardly mobile don't let years go by without thinking about the next step, they constantly keep their career trajectory at the forefront of their mind."

The authors suggest looking at your contacts'LinkedIn profiles. You can check out the skills and experiences listed on the profiles of people you might want to hire.

Gaining those skills can be accomplished by taking a course, going to conferences, or volunteering to work on a project.

The authors say that "proactively pursuing the learning you need to take your career to the next level" is what distinguishes great professionals from average ones.