An artificial intelligence agent created by Facebook's parent company Meta has become the first to achieve "human-level performance" in an online strategy game that emphasizes natural language negotiation and tactical coordination among players.
In this photo illustration, the Facebook logo is on the screen of a phone.
Cicero, the agent of the Meta Fundamental Artificial Intelligence Research Diplomacy Team, is capable of imitating natural human language and can even analyze the goals, beliefs and intentions of its human partners to determine plans to succeed in the online strategy game Diplomacy.
Meta entered Cicero into an online Diplomacy league earlier this year and in 40 speed games against human competitors the agent scored more than double the average person's score and ranked in the top 10% of players who took part in more than one game.
Meta researchers said there was no evidence that human players knew they were competing against artificial intelligence.
In the past, agents have been successful at competitive games like chess and GO, but games like Diplomacy pose a challenge because of the high levels of negotiation, cooperation and competition needed to win.
Cicero had a tendency to use masculine pronouns in conversations. The agent used masculine pronouns like he, him or his 75% of the time, while feminine counterparts like she, her and hers made up only 1% of pronoun usage. Artificial intelligence will be aware of the stereotypes about gender and board games.
Two agents built by Meta beat out experts. The game was created in the 50's and takes place in Europe before World War I. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is a famous fan of the game.