You can always back up your data. It is more urgent than usual because of the platform's recent unpredictability. Mass firings and resignations, whiplash policy changes, and crippled infrastructure don't instill a lot of confidence in the future of the site. Preserving your account for future reference is worth it.

It is possible to copy your account data in a machine-readable format that is portable to select few other services, thanks to a tool offered by the social networking site. The archives it creates are not particularly user-friendly. There isn't an obvious way to quickly organize the tens to thousands oftweets an archive might contain, for instance, or drill down within an archive for specific types of media.

Thanks to the open source community, there are free tools for those who want to have more control over their archive. They don't subvert the archive request process, but they make it easier to work with the archives and make them more useful.

Not all of the tools are easy to use for non developers. Many require knowledge of Python and other programming languages, and any tool that is able to access the account needs a key from a developer account. If you don't trust them, don't give them access to your account. Basic setup instructions are provided by the tools.

Managing and viewing Twitter archives

The most comprehensive of the bunch is theTwitter Archive Parser, which aims to fix and/or work around some of the more egregious flaws in the archive system. The tool can be used to convert direct messages into markdown, which is supported by most content management systems and editors.

Replacing shortened URLs with their original versions, copying images to a folder for easier sorting, output lists of followers and people you're following, and download images in their original sizes are just some of the things that can be done with theTwitter Archive Parser. Full-sized images are swapped out for smaller ones by the archiver.

If you only want a more user-friendly archive viewing experience, the Archive Browser is a good choice. You can browse direct message history offline and see your entire timelines at the same time. In the event of your account being deleted, the Archive Browser will still be functional, showing any media you have uploaded.

Extracting URLs, exporting bookmarks and deleting tweets

Taupe is more limited in its capabilities than the other Python-based tools. It extracts the URLs of your retweets, replies, quotes and likes from your personal account. Taupe is an acronym for T witter a rchive URL p ars e r.

Taupe extracts the URLs from the archive and outputs them in a spreadsheet format that can be used with other software and services. Taupe has limitations, for example, because the archive format for "likes" doesn't contain a timestamp, but it's one of the simplest ways to quickly convert historicalTwitter data into a more usable format.

As a complement to Taupe, there's the self-descriptive Export yourTwitter bookmarks tool, which saves all your bookmarks, including photos and videos, in a file. It is not included in the archives of the social media site. The Archive Browser can be used if you want to bulk-describe in an archive.

If you want to get rid of your favorites from an archive, you'll want to try Twitter Cleaner, which can do the job. There is an account required to remove entries from an active timeline.

Organizing specific things, like photos

What if you only want to look at photos from your account? There is no way to download your entire account archive, but there are some tools you can use to surface items of interest.

A local database containing all your photos can be created with the help of a tool like theTwitter Photo Downloader. It will work for image galleries and photos from the internet. There is a single still frame in place of a Gif. The Parser is even more stripped down. The tool can be used to convert an archive into a PDF.

We have found all the open source tools that can be used to manage the archives. We will add it to the list if we missed any.