More than a year ago, the new Alitalia and SkyTeam announced that they would join the alliance, but integration hasn't happened yet.

There is an agreement between Korean Air and ITA Airways, as well as an agreement between Korean Air and another airline.

Both Korean Air and Volare can be accessed here.

ITA Airways Volare – Korean Air earning chart:

Korean Air SKYPASS – ITA Airways earning chart:

ITA Airways Coverage:

Skyteam Joins ITA Airways.

There is a recognition problem of volare skyteam status.

Skyteam status is still not recognized by other airlines one year later.

On the day of departure, you can use the tia volare status on another skyteam carrier.

It was the conclusion.

SkyTeam alliance airlines should have frequent flyer agreements in place.

We have reported several times that it is difficult to get SkyTeam airlines to honor ITA Volare status.

The uncertainty of who will own the airline is partly to blame for the delay in frequent fliers agreements.