For the first time, researchers at the Institute for Quantum Computing have created a device that creates twisted neutrons. This scientific accomplishment provides a new avenue for researchers to study the development of next- generation quantum materials with applications ranging from quantum computing to identifying and solving new problems in fundamental physics.
"Neutrons are a powerful probe for the characterization of emerging quantum materials because they have a number of unique features," said Dr. Dusan Sarenac, research associate with IQC and technical lead, Transformative Quantum Technologies at the University of Waterloo. They have a large mass and nanometer-sized wavelength. neutrons can pass through materials that X-rays and light can't.
The design of a device that uses neutrons has never been shown before. The researchers had to create new devices and methods to work with neutrons.
Dr. Pushin and his team constructed fork-like Silicon grating structures in their experiment. There are over six million individual fork dislocation phase-gratings in a small area.
Individual neutrons start winding in a corkscrew pattern when a beam of single neutrons passes through. The image of the neutrons was taken using a special camera. There was a 10 cm wide donut-like signature on the neutrons.
The group's grating devices have generated the first experimental achievement of its kind by generating the first quantized beam of neutrons with a special spin.
Pushin said that Neutrons have been popular in the experimental verification of fundamental physics using spin, path and energy.
An additional quantized degree of freedom has been provided by the use of orbital angular momentum in the experiments. We are developing a tool that will help us understand complicated materials needed for quantum devices such as quantum computers.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory collaborated with Sarenac, Pushin and others on the paper.
Dusan Sarenac et al are the authors of the paper. There is a book titled "Sci Adv.add 2002".
Journal information: Science Advances