The director of species restoration is one of the most futuristic jobs around. She and her team are trying to turn Asian elephants into something resembling a woolly mammoth by adding genes for cold resistance and thick red hair. In an imagined future, a high-tech combination of DNA technology, stem-cell research, gene editing, and artificial wombs could lead not only to the resurrection of lost species, but also to the creation of new ones.

The company hopes to re-create its first long- extinct animal, the striped marsupial predator, by the year 2025. It could turn a profit if it sells tickets to see them. The full story is available to read.

The man is Antonio Regalado.

Emission reductions are dependent on economic success.

The Inflation Reduction Act is the largest US climate bill in more than a decade. Politicians, manufacturers, and scientists have all welcomed it. The IRA has a plan to reduce US carbon emissions by more than 40% by the year 2030.

Climate policy is dependent on economic policy success in ways that could complicate efforts to reduce US carbon emissions and potentially add to the already formidable challenges facing its domestic clean energy industries. The full story is available to read. The assistant professor at the school is an expert on green industries.

The must read books.

I scoured the internet to find you the most interesting and fun stories about technology. Donald Trump has been allowed back onto the social networking site.