The U.K.'s Competition and Markets Authority has initiated a so-called "phase 1" investigation into the proposed merger of the two companies.

The European Commission is investigating what would be one of the largest tech acquisitions of all time. The FTC advanced its investigation into a deeper second review phase, which means that it saw enough during its initial analysis to warrant a more extensive look.

The chip giant wants to expand into the enterprise infrastructure software market. A deal of this size is always going to get regulatory scrutiny, so there is no surprise that we are seeing multiple authorities looking into the deal. The deal was going to take a long time so it was aware that it was going to take a long time.

The previous mega-deal was scrapped by President Trump due to national security concerns. The U.K.'s CMA has opened up a two-week consultation period where it is inviting comments from "interested parties."

The findings from this will determine if the acquisition will result in a substantial lessening of competition in the United Kingdom.