T100 2022 Real Estate 2x1 Insider

Insider has released a list of 100 people who are changing the way business is done. The 10 leaders are making waves.

Lily Liu Matt Wong/Insider

Renters pay to keep a roof over their heads while homeowners get the benefits of wealth creation. Tenants are being led to get some well-deserved benefits byLiu.

The founder and CEO of Piata is 39 years old. In a housing market where ownership has always been the path to greater wealth, she helps renters get something back for paying rent on time.

A three-bedroom home with a white picket fence is no longer the American dream for most people.

"Today, renters are often choosing to rent, not just because it's their life dilemma, but also because it's a choice," he said.

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Evan Loomis Lizzie Chen/Insider

Is housing on the moon a possibility? It is being worked on by a person.

He's going to tackle the housing shortage here on Earth. Icon is an Austin, Texas-based construction technology company that wants to make homebuilding faster, cheaper, and more sustainable by 3D-printing homes.

The homebuilding industry needs to move past the traditional methods it has used for decades, according to a tech Evangelist.

Homebuilding is stuck in an old paradigm because it hasn't adopted advanced materials. We're passionate about this because we're going to "unstick" it and bring it into the future, and hopefully lead the future with this technology.

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Features 100 People Transforming Business 2022 Real Estate