Kevin McCarthy said on Sunday that he will try to keep three high-profile Democrats off of committees if he becomes speaker.

McCarthy doesn't have the votes to get the speaker's job, so he will do whatever he can to get it.

McCarthy has targeted members of the House Intelligence Committee.

McCarthy and other Republicans have been saying for months that these members should not be on these committees because of their past statements.

McCarthy told Fox News that he would remove them.

The USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll shows Democratic support for Biden going up after the elections.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Calif., speaks at an election event, Nov. 9, 2022, in Washington. The results of the midterm election are raising questions about the future of American support for Ukraine. McCarthy warned last month that his party wouldn't support writing a
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Calif., speaks at an election event, Nov. 9, 2022, in Washington. The results of the midterm election are raising questions about the future of American support for Ukraine. McCarthy warned last month that his party wouldn't support writing a "blank check" for Ukraine if it captured the House majority.

McCarthy is trying to get the support of hard-right conservatives like Marjorie Taylor Greene, who was expelled from committees because of her comments about Democrats.

"I think he will do what Marjorie Taylor Greene wants him to do," he said. He is a weak leader because he will follow the wishes of the lowest common denominator. If they want to remove people from committees, that's what they'll do.

McCarthy is expected to become Speaker of the House when Republicans take over the chamber next year.

Potential 2020 Trump rivals play it cool at the donor confab.

Conservative Republicans like Matt Gaetz of Florida will oppose McCarthy. The GOP will probably have no more than 10 seats.

Hakeem Jeffries is expected to be the leader of the Democrats in the next Congress.

Jeffries spoke on CNN's "State of the Union."

, who is retiring from Congress and ran afoul of McCarthy over the latter's support of Donald Trump, told CNN the presumed speaker has made a lot of promises

Kinzinger said that McCarthy could end up being their political hostage if he has to cut deals with Democrats.

Kinzinger doesn't think he's going to last very long. Maybe he will show me that I'm wrong. It's sad to see a man who had so much potential sell himself.

McCarthy is close to being selected as GOP leader.

Kevin McCarthy's path to be House speaker may be hampered by a poor GOP showing in the upcoming elections.

If McCarthy is speaker, he wants to keep three Democrats off committees.