They are hackers.
After the majority of workers were fired or resigned under Musk, we are already starting to see cracks in the wall.
The automated copyright strike/takedown system was no longer functioning last night. A user uploaded the whole of The Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift in two minute chunks over a thread. Things get weirder while it is offline.
The film.
The Copyright system seems to be broken. The account was suspended because it went viral and someone saw it. A separate user uploaded another full movie, 1995's hackers, two minutes at a time in a similar thread, and that remains online at the time of this writing.
It should be obvious to everyone what kind of liability it opens up to if their copyright system isn't functional, and its newly limited pool of workers are going to need to manually hunt down offenders. If they can't get a handle on this quickly, we could see them hit with all sorts of legal issues if they can't get a handle on this quickly. Disney is going to go nuclear if they start uploading here.
It should be noted that one of the big ideas for the new service is to allow users to upload long, 40 minute videos. If they can't fix their copyright enforcement system, that would be a nightmare.
There is a lot of drama a day at the social networking site.
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The Herokiller series and The Earthborn trilogy are available for purchase.