A chorus of CEOs, investors, and academics are predicting a recession in the US. Carl Icahn, Jamie Dimon, and Charlie Munger are worried that the economy will shrink and unemployment will go up. The Federal Reserve hiking interest rates to cool inflation and the Russia-Ukraine war are just some of the growth challenges these experts have flagged. This is the first thing. Jeff Bezos is the founder of Amazon. The economy is not doing well. Many sectors are seeing layoffs as things slow down. We are likely to be in a recession very soon if we are not currently in one. You should take as little risk as possible. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
Here are 12 recent recession warnings, lightly edited for length and clarity:
The economy tells you to hunker down.
There are two
A year or two of a serious recession is likely.
The economic picture is dire for a company like ours that is so dependent on advertising.
There are three. The CEO of Citadel is KenGriffin.
For the Fed to truly conquer inflation here, we're going to put unemployment in the range of 4% to 5%. It's hard to believe that we won't have a recession at that point in time.
There are four. Charlie Munger is the vice-chairman of the company.
The Fed is willing to have a recession in order to keep inflation under control. They are supposed to do that. They're supposed to be the only person at the party who doesn't drink.
There are five. Icahn is chairman of Icahn enterprises.
You are going to have a recession if you have higher interest rates that have moved as they have here. I believe we have a recession already. There are a lot of things that need to happen in order to get us out of a recession.
There are six. Jamie Dimon is the CEO of JP Morgan.
A mild recession is possible. Companies and consumers are in very good shape. There is a chance of something worse because of the war in Ukraine and oil price.
There are seven. Solomon is the CEO of Goldman.
It's very hard to get out of an economic situation like this without a real economic downturn. The US is probably going to have a recession.
There are eight. Jeff Gundlach is the CEO of Double Line Capital.
In the next six-to-eight months, it's easy to see that the recession will be over by the year 2023.
There are nine. Omega Advisors is headed by Leon Cooperman.
The combination of Fed tightening, quantitative tightening, a strong dollar, and the price of oil will cause a recession. The price is going to be paid because of very inappropriate fiscal and monetary policies.
There are ten. The co-CIO is Greg Jensen.
The markets are expecting a small recession, but we are expecting a larger one. It will be the year of a very significant global recession.
You won't see the bottom of the equity markets until they start to ease. You won't see the end of the bottom of the economy for a while after that.
There is a new date for the 11th. Roubini is an economist at NYU.
It is likely to be impossible to avoid a hard landing. I call it the Great Stagflationary Debt Crisis because you're going to get inflation, a recession and a lot of debt. It's probably as bad as it was during the Global Financial Crisis.
Ken was an economist at Harvard.
The world is in a bad state. The United States can't resist that. I'm worried that we're going to get a mild recession and that we'll get a significant recession.
It is recommended that investors play it safe for 3-6 months to set themselves up for a decade of strong performance.