A recent review of the first car model from Musk's company shows how he has helped transform the brand from a startup to the top electric car maker in the US.

The most analog electric car I have ever been in is this one. It's a peek into what made electric cars interesting over gas cars.

In 2008, Musk became the CEO of the company. The same year, the company released a car that was based on a British sports car and had an electric motor.

The car had a range of over 200 miles and sold for over $100,000. The company produced less than 2,500 cars. The cars have sold individually for $200,000 or more.

Since going public, the electric-car maker's value has increased more than 25,000%. Teslas have become more and more efficient. The firstTesla was a little rough. It didn't have the signature features of the company.

"It isn't designed to be comfortable," he said in the video as he tried to get into the car. It's fun to drive it for a bit.