According to a study published Thursday in the Lancet medical journal, some infections that are known to be sexually transmitted, such as monkeypox, are often misdiagnosed as other diseases.
Research shows that monkeypox is often misdiagnosed.
The study found that sexual contact was the most likely cause of monkeypox infections among cis gender and trans women.
The researchers said that there were important differences between cis women and nonbinary people and trans women.
More than a quarter ofcis women and nonbinary people are thought to have acquired monkeypox outside of sexual contact.
The figures are based on data from 136 women and five people with confirmed cases between May and October in 15 countries.
As with many cases during the global outbreak, symptoms tended to match likely routes of transmission and were often misdiagnosed as sexually transmitted infections.
More than a third ofcis women received a misdiagnosis before a monkeypox diagnosis was confirmed, and nearly half of them had to wait more than one appointment to get a diagnosis.
It was largely ignored by the rest of the world until Monkeypox started spreading more widely this year. The global outbreak differed in scope, scale, geographic range, speed and demography, which were usually relatively confined and stems from the virus spilling over from unknown animal reservoirs. According to the data from the outbreak, the virus is almost exclusively spreading through sex among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men, and it was accompanied by a different set of symptoms than what has been seen before. Only a few options exist for treating and vaccinating against monkeypox, and supplies are critically short, as countries where monkeypox has historically spread have been last in line. Behavioral changes in at-risk groups may be the reason the outbreak is slowing.
The researchers in Thursday's study said that they expect that this might change as the outbreak progresses. The need to improve training about and awareness of monkeypox among health professionals is highlighted by the findings of the study.
There's a thing called Tangent.
During the global outbreak, the risk of monkeypox spreading to and among children was a concern, as they have a higher risk of severe disease. Many experts believed that monkeypox did not pose a risk to children, but that it could be a problem in the future. Despite a small number of children contracting monkeypox, they make up a minuscule fraction of the total number of cases around the world. According to the researchers, their study suggests a small risk to children. Only two children living in the homes of the cis women involved in the study acquired monkeypox, though 26% had children living in their homes. The researchers said their study couldn't shed light on the issue because they only included two pregnant women who had not yet delivered.
A total of 80,064. According to the CDC, there have been more than 100 cases of monkeypox recorded around the world this year. There are fewer than 1000 infections that have been recorded in locations that have historically reported monkeypox. 13 of the 51 deaths that have been linked to monkeypox have been in locations that historically reported an outbreak.
Monkeypox wasn't thought to be a disease that could be transmitted sexually before the global outbreak. There is a difference between something being passed on through close contact that accompanies sex and something that can only be obtained in a sexual setting. Monkeypox may fit both categories according to new evidence. Men with monkeypox have had the virus in their semen. Monkeypox DNA was found in all of the vaginal swabs taken in the study. Monkeypox can be transmitted through bodily fluids and close skin-to-skin contact.
The most affected groups, sexually active men who have sex with men, have been the focus of the case definitions, according to the lead study author. As the outbreak progresses, it's important to focus attention on underrepresented groups such as women and nonbinary individuals to better understand their risk, as well as to understand how the "infection" in women can be recognized by doctors.
There is a dangerous monkeypox variant circulating in central Africa.
There are no monkeypox cases in the U.S. There is a radio show onNPR.