At the G20 summit in Indonesia, the president of China was filmed chastising the prime minister of Canada.

The 40-second video, captured by a Canadian news cameraman, gives a rare glimpse into the personal style of diplomacy of the Chinese president.

According to a translator, Xi told Trudeau that everything they discussed had been leaked to the paper. The way that we conducted the conversation was different.

—Annie Bergeron-Oliver (@AnnieClaireBO) November 16, 2022

The Chinese leader said that it would be difficult to say what would happen.

Trudeau said Canadians believe in open dialogue. Trudeau was cut off when Xi raised his hands without looking at him.

"Make the conditions, make the conditions," he said.

The Chinese leader smiled and shook his hand before walking away. Trudeau spoke of China "playing aggressive games" with Canada's democratic institutions on November 7.

Trudeau said that "not every conversation is going to be easy" according to The Globe and Mail.

What the clip shows us about Xi's style

Ian Chong, a professor of political science at the National University of Singapore, told Insider that Wednesday's exchange was a rare one from the typically calculated Xi.

It suggests an ease with force on the part of the leader. He is unhappy with Canada revealing their own side of the exchange, but he is unafraid to put pressure on them.

The Nanyang Technological University of Singapore's Dylan Loh is an assistant professor in foreign policy. He said that the clip lent the impression that the pace of relations should be dictated by the leader of the country.

An assistant professor of international studies at the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore said that Trudeau may have been trying to set a standard over what information can be shared.

"One thing for sure is when having a bilateral talk, Xi doesn't want to follow the western custom that each individual leader can decide what kind of content can be shared with the media," Lee said. If they think to be opened, the default is closed and confidential.

He said thatXi wanted others to follow Chinese customs.