Noem has reservations about Trump's candidacy.

Noem told The New York Times that she didn't think the former president offered the best chance for the GOP in the future.

We're not talking to every American if we narrow our focus. Our job isn't just to talk to people who like or dislike Trump. Noem told the Times that her job was to talk to every American.

The national media outlet reported that Noem's advisor was present.

Donald Trump is a candidate for president. He's the favorite to win the caucuses.

Since coming onto the national stage in 2020 for her "personal choice" approach to the COVID-19 epidemic, Noem has been rumored to be seeking higher office. During her re- election campaign, she told reporters that she would serve all four years.

Noem told CBS in the summer that she wasn't ruling out a run for president in four years. She supports Trump if he runs for president.

No Trump endorsement from Noem -

“If we narrow our focus there, then we’re not talking to every single American,” Ms. Noem said in an interview as she sat across a mahogany table from her political adviser, Corey Lewandowski

Annie Karni wrote about it on November 17th.

The audience at the Noem rally in Rapid City received a video message from the former president.

The governor of South Dakota has been praised by Trump. Kristi Noem is a great governor. She needs to be re-elected by a large margin. She will only improve.

Noem chose to focus on her campaign rather than attend the Trump rally.

The Times story stated that other Republicans were hesitant to support Trump. Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchenson is considering running for the GOP nomination for President.

Ian Fury, Noem's communication director, didn't return a response.

Donald Trump doesn't offer the best hope for Republicans, according to Noem.

  • Milwaukee Journal Sentinel