Democratic governors want to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House.

Roy Cooper, chair of the Democratic Governors Association, said during a news conference that he already spent four years as a governor with Trump, and that it is not something he wants to do again.

When governors had to step up and do what was needed, Trump vacillated between indifference and obstruction.

He supports President Joe Biden, he believes Biden will run again in 2024, and he thinks Biden can beat any Republicans in the presidential election. He said that governors can help Biden by making sure that the transformational federal legislation that has passed during his presidency is implemented in the right way.

Billions of dollars will be invested in high-speed internet access, building roads and bridges, and moving to a clean energy economy as a result of recent federal legislation.

Cooper said he told Biden to focus on carrying out the legislation over the next two years because he wouldn't be able to do much with a divided Congress. The Democrats retained their majority in the Senate.

It's a massive job to carry out these laws in an effective way, Cooper said, and governors will play a critical role in making sure that happens.

"If we work hard and put into the ground, and into working families, this funding that has been passed by Congress, and we do it in the right way, we can have a very successful next couple of years," he stated.

In 36 gubernatorial races this year, Democrats lost Nevada but gained seats in Arizona, Massachusetts, and Maryland for a new party breakdown of 24 Democrats and 26 Republicans in governors mansions The Secretary of State in Arizona narrowly defeated a candidate who supported Trump.

Phil Murphy said that candidates who were "outright election deniers" did not win elections.

He said that it's less important to have Democrats in office than it is to have good people in important positions.

That has a huge positive impact on the process of electing a president, and I hope it's President Joe Biden, Murphy said.