The symptoms of neurological diseases could be worsened by rising global temperatures and the spread of airborne pollutants as scientists continue to evaluate the harmful effects of climate change.
According to new research, rising temperatures and air pollution can cause diseases.
Extreme weather events accelerated by climate change are associated with an increase in strokes, headaches, and seizures, as well as an increase in hospital visits among patients with dementia, according to a report published in the American Academy of Neurology.
Extreme weather changes include high heat and heat waves, as well as drastic changes in temperature.
The report found that pollutants, including fine particulate matter containing copper and nitrates, were associated with a higher risk of stroke, headaches, dementia and Parkinson's disease.
Regional factors beyond temperature alone, including land use and population density, may also be responsible for spreading infectious diseases, according to a review of several studies.
There is an "unmet need in planning" for neurologic care in the face of ecological instability, according to researchers.
Climate change is believed to be the cause of hotter weather and stronger storms. The effect of rising temperatures on human health has not been studied as much. Even though food and water shortages are linked to neurological health and climate change, researchers couldn't find any studies that looked at the effect of food and water scarcity on neurological harm.
Studies have found that climate change could cause future epidemics. Climate change could be the biggest health threat facing humanity according to a recent World Health Organization report. Warming temperatures, food scarcity, increased risk of disease and dangerous weather such as heat waves and storms could undermine 50 years of vastly improving global health. According to a review published in July in the journal Nature Climate Change, the spread of infectious diseases has been linked to the warming of the planet.
The temperature was at NationMaster. According to the UN report, global temperatures are expected to rise by the end of the century. The goal of the Paris Climate Agreement is to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius by the year 2200.
Climate change is seen as the biggest health threat facing humanity.
A study found that over half of infectious diseases could be worse due to climate change.
A study found that climate change could cause future Pandemics.