composite image of the mansion's movie theater and a screenshot from @notkyliekitt's tiktok showing the family Christmas tree
Courtesy of Surette Media Group;TikTok;@notkyliekitt
  • As a child, Kittredge lived in a $23 million compound.

  • The home was owned by the founder of Yankee Candle.

  • She talked about the compound and her father.

A newly listed $23 million estate in Massachusetts has an indoor water park and an arcade for teenagers. A famous band would play for a crowd of 300 guests on a stage built into a tennis court.

She decided to share her memories of growing up on the compound and her father, Yankee Candle founder Michael Kittredge, after seeing her childhood home go viral.

She said there were a lot of happy memories at the place.

As a child, the student kept her home a secret. She wanted it to be a place where her friends could hang out, but she didn't want to publicly advertise it. The difference for her now is that she doesn't call it home.

The estate has over 100,000 square feet of living space and eight buildings. She said her main mode of transportation was a golf cart. She told viewers that she and her sister used to make their own lemonade and sell it to employees in a golf cart.

One person commented that Dee lived here. I'm not sure if you remember her, but she was the cook. I used to wonder where I was when I visited her. "We love Dee!", said Kylie.

It was special that our employees had a family feeling. The people that raised me were the ones that did the same thing. There were a lot of people involved in my upbringing.

At Christmas time, a major holiday at the home, the family would find an enormous "three-story- tall" Christmas tree that she said would make the whole house smell so good. Each year the ornaments were chosen for a different theme. Everything had to leave.

"We had a massive holiday party every year with about 350 of our friends that usually entails dinner, dancing, and some form of musical entertainment," she said. In a party where her dad really wanted fake snow, she and her cousins had to throw it everywhere.

The home has an indoor water park, bowling alley, arcade, and movie theater.

There were some fun birthday parties at the water park. She showed viewers photos of her parents and sister dressed as their favorite characters from the Disney movie.

The family didn't have a lot of candles burning. She said it was a living space. We don't want to have a lot of different smells hitting you right away. One candle here and there was all that was needed.

The compound is located about two hours outside of Boston. Kittredge was a huge car collector and would often let her choose which car he would take her in.

She misses him and he drives her to school.

The Yankee Candle Company has a great story. Kittredge didn't have enough money to buy his mother a Christmas gift. He melted crayons on the stove and created a candle. The elder Kittredge started Yankee Candle after buying enough wax to make two candles, one for his mother and one to sell, according to the outlet.

Mick Kittredge III hoped that his father would be remembered as the epitome of the American Dream and rags to wealth.

He said his father wanted to give everyone else what he didn't have when he was younger.

The two of them agreed. The Disney Land-like home was created by a father with a history of health issues who was aware of the importance of time.

The father was aware that his son was a dreamer. Her father wanted fresh eggs in the morning, so the family had a full running farm.

He was a major donor to hospitals, schools, cancer research, and educational programs.

He wanted to live life to the fullest.

The family estate was put on the market in September.

There is an indoor water park inside the compound.

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