KONY 2012 asked people to highlight the crimes of an African warlord in order to help a global hunt for him. The challenge was to raise awareness of the disease.
The goal of the latest iteration of Clicktivism is to make fun of Musk.
Since 3 pm Eastern Time Tuesday, thousands of people on the social media platform have posted the same phrase, saying that buying the company for $44 billion will make it worthless in two weeks.
While working at home, a 25-year-old working on social media marketing in New York came up with the idea of using the name "Saeed DiCaprio" He said it was done during his bathroom break.
The social media marketer took a break from his desk to post the message to his followers. He says there was no thought in his head. I just called it a day after I posted it on social media. He admits that the missive was caused by an anxiety about the future of the company, which Musk has said could fall into bankruptcy if changes aren't made.
He says that seeing a lot of his friends leave the platform as well as not knowing if his job of running theTwitter of different companies will even be here in two weeks kind of sucks.
Thousands of users decided to follow in the footsteps of the original tossed-offtweet by using the same text. The person says he is happy with the spread of the message. Being part of a community and being the one to lead that always leaves a feeling of satisfaction. He told Gizmodo that the image he posted was a joke and that it was a violation of the social network's hate speech policy.
Pease Anderson is a journalist from Chicago, Illinois. After becoming frustrated with the direction of travel, he decided to use the phrase. He says that every day he sees the site drawn and quartered by the owner. We can shitpost our way through it by working together.
Alex Turvy, a meme researcher at the University of New Orleans, says that the meme is funny because it is almost playing at a serious political movement. Musk has turned into this common enemy, and it is a way of feeling like people have some agency or efficacy against this way more powerful person who couldn't.
There are similarities between the grassroots protest and the types of copypasta that Musk supporters use. It is similar to the scene from the 1960 movie Spartacus, where hundreds of people stand up and say they are the same person as Kirk Douglas.
Turvy believes that this is a potent meme. The project seems to rely on a cultural memory that is shared collectively, and it has been hard to keep up with each day's chaos on the social networking site.
What is Awawdeh hoping to accomplish? The billionaire may have made a mistake. He says that the people who make the app are not happy with the direction the app is going in. I felt that a paywall to access the reach that I have built was a slap in the face to Twitter creators, including myself, because I have been a loyal creator on here.