Despite a win over the Cowboys, Domonique Foxworth doesn't think the Packers will make the playoffs. It was 0:49
Rodgers doesn't have high hopes that the National Football League will mandate that all games be played on natural grass.
"No, honestly, I don't have a lot of confidence when it comes to the league making that decision without some sort of big vote and gripes from certain owners who don't want to spend the money."
Rodgers has spoken about player safety before. He was against the expansion of the league.
Rodgers said it's player safety.
If player safety is important, this would be putting your money where your mouth is.
Rodgers' comments Tuesday followed a concerted effort by the NFL Players Association to bring attention to a disparity between injury occurrences on grass and a certain type of artificial surface.
The union said that the Giants, Jets, Lions, Vikings, Saints, Colts and Cincinnati use Slit FilmTurf, which is why it called for an immediate replacement and ban.
The rate of noncontact injuries to the knee, ankle, and foot is the same on natural and artificial playing surfaces according to internal data reviewed Tuesday.
The Packers play on synthetic grass which is made from synthetic fibers and Kentucky bluegrass.
Rodgers thinks it's time to go all grass. The requirement for every field to be grass would be a step in the right direction for player safety.