Every year, REI closes its doors on Black Friday to encourage people to spend time outside. The gear up get out sale is an earlier sale that offers steep discounts on outdoor gear. We found the best outdoor deals during the sale.
Gift ideas for outdoorsy people, why it's a good time to buy snow boots, and a great bin for outdoor organization are included in our other outdoor coverage.
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There are hiking and camping deals.
There is a photograph of REI.
This is a great daypack for the money. It's lightweight at a mere 14 ounces so it won't strain your back, yet it has well-padded shoulder straps and two exterior waterbottle pockets, which many small packs lack. It can hold 22 liters, which is enough for a rain jacket, lunch, water, a sweater, and maps. The graphic prints are the same price as the other version.
Satellite communication can keep you in touch with emergency services and loved ones back home if you like the idea of being away from it all. If you need to be rescued, you can share your location, communicate back and forth, and use an emergency button. The In Reach Mini 2 is small enough to fit in a pocket. Depending on settings and tree cover, the battery can last up to fourteen days. The new Apple device can do all of this, but it won't help if the battery dies after a day.
There is a balance between price, weight, and quality in the Trail Hut 2 tent. The 78-ounce weight is light and the hardware is solid. There are two doors and pockets in the interior design. It's great if you plan on hiking alone and want a place to store your stuff. If you're going to sleep two or three people in a tent, the Trail Hut 4 is a good option. For more, read our guide.
There is a photograph of the wilderness.
Sleeping pads are not warm enough for cold weather camping. If you want to protect your sleeping bag from the cold, choose an inflatable model. The Neo Air is lightweight at 12 ounces and packs down to a small roll. It is warm when the mercury falls.
You can't take a liquid fuel stove into the wilderness. They're loud, but not as loud as their peers, but they're still quiet compared to their peers. In the dead of winter, canister stoves can give you performance problems, but the bombproof whisper lite will keep kicking.
It's almost impossible to set up a tent in the dark while trying to hold a flashlight while hiking. Get up with a flashlight. The Spot 400 can illuminate up to 100 meters down the trail on its high setting. It will last for 200 hours on the low, six-lumen setting, which is sufficient for basic camp chores such as getting ready for bed.
There are fitness deals.
The Fenix 7S is a solar powered vehicle.
Photograph: GarminThe 7S Sapphire Solar is a powerhouse for all the preset modes that can track yourbiographical data from various outdoor activities, such as gravel biking, swimming, running, and more. It's our favorite outdoor watch for its quick and accurateGPS connection in rain and under dense tree cover, as well as its built-in altimeter, barometer, and compass. If you want to read more, please read our guide.
The men's and women's sizes are different.
They were called the prettiest in the guide. Don't bother looking at them. There is more to beauty than skin deep. Solid traction on loose terrain is offered by them. It's important to remember that Nikes are small, so you should fit up a half-size.
The men's and women's sizes are different.
It's not fun to conjugate. Whether you wear the latest high tech cycling pants or stick with tried and true denim jeans, slip on a pair of padded cycling shorts underneath them to take some of the wear and tear off biking You don't have to feel sweaty on long rides with the elasticity of the fabric.
These tights are the best in the cold weather because of their high waist and drawstring that keep them from sagging. They add a lot of warmth to the weather. They kept our reviewer warm even in the 30 degree weather. The only downside is that they only come in a 28-inch seam.
There are other great outdoor deals.
The Outward Lawn Chair is part of the co-op.
Photograph: REIThe men's and women's sizes are different.
The base price for REI's house-brand down puffy has remained the same for years. It's on sale for a very good price. There are two pockets on the outside of the jacket that can hold handwarmers, gloves, and scarves. It's warm in the middle or outer layers.
The chair is made of robust aluminum, 300-denier nylon fabric, and solid wood. It can hold up to 250 pounds. The padded version of the ultra-low price of $22 goes in and out of stock frequently, so make a note to look at it again if the deal comes back.
The Big Haul is made of recycled nylon fabrics and has plenty of interior and exterior pockets for organization, as well as hide-away backpack straps so you can carry heavy loads on your back. It will be appreciated by anyone who has ever carried a heavy duffel through an airport. The small version is perfect for weekend getaways and can be used as a carry-on on flights. There are more sizes to choose from, all the way up to an enormous 120- liter version.
The street helmet is from the nutcase.
Photograph: REIIt's not possible to stay fit if you have a crash. You can keep that melon safe with this helmet. Multi-directional Impact Protection System is a technology that can help protect your brain from injuries. It is worth paying more for. There are many different styles to choose from.
It's time to ditch single-use plastic and go with a water bottle made from recycled materials. There are more designs that don't show up on the previously linked product page for the same discount. The models are free of the harmful substance.