Simone Gold speaking with attendees at the 2020 Student Action Summit hosted by Turning Point USA at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Enlarge / Simone Gold speaking with attendees at the 2020 Student Action Summit hosted by Turning Point USA at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach, Florida.

The right-wing pseudo-medical group America's Frontline Doctors is notorious for peddling bogus COVID-19 treatments and fear mongering over vaccines and other safe, effective health measures.

The founder of the charity group, Simone Gold, is accused of using the group's funds to buy a mansion for herself and her boyfriend. She is accused of staging a hostile coup of the organization after she was released from federal prison for her role in the January 6, 2021, insurrection.

According to the lawsuit, employees have been locked out of their email accounts since the coup. The group's bank accounts are said to have at least $7.3 million in them. It looks like Gold has control over the website, which has been pumping out press releases for her. Even for the ignoble group, it is in an extremely sordid state.


In the early days of the Pandemic, the group Tea PartyPatriots organized an event at the Supreme Court to spread misinformation. The gathering was streamed by a far-right media outlet. The clips featured the false claim that Hydroxychloroquine is a cure for cancer. It has been claimed that having sex in dreams with demons and witches causes gynecological conditions, that modern medicine uses "alien DNA," and that scientists are trying to prevent people from being religious.

Since the group's startling national debut, it has carried on with its mission, which it describes as providing "We The People with independent information from the world's top experts in medicine and law." Donations and help to dole out prescriptions of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine has raked in millions of dollars.


Gold was brought to the Capitol by far-right political activity. Gold pleaded guilty for her part in the attack. She walked into the rotunda after joining the mob and gave a speech against the government. The speech was recorded by her boyfriend.

He was sentenced to 60 days in jail. A jury found him guilty of five offenses, including one felony, and he is going to be sentenced in January. He could be sentenced to up to 23 years in prison.

Financial allegations

Things have plummeted since Gold was released from prison. Some stunning problems with her use of the charity's funds were noted by other leaders while Gold was in jail.

According to a lawsuit filed earlier this month, Gold bought a $3.6 million home in Naples, Florida, in November 2021. Neither of the two people who paid rent to the organization lived in the house. She charged the charity $12,000 per month for a personal security officer, $5,600 per month for a maid, and $50,000 per month for a credit card for her lifestyle. He charged $15,000 to $17,000 per month on his credit cards.

The lawsuit says that Gold bought three vehicles with funds. One of the flights she took on private planes was over $100,000.

The same month that Gold bought her home, she rented a Florida property for two of her co-workers. The organization's money was used to put down $45,000 in advance and $15,000 per month for the duration of the lease.

Things were different after the insurrection. She resigned from the board about a month before Gold pleaded guilty. Gilbert said that Gold could stay on as a consultant. Gold wanted a signing bonus of 1.5 million and a $600,000 annual consulting fee. The lawsuit doesn't know if Gold got that deal.