We don't know what will happen to our sun.
It will cease fusion and become a white dwarf in several billion years. There it will be inactive and comatose.
The solar system is anchored by the sun. What will happen to the planet? Do you mean to the other planets? Do you mean to the other objects in the solar system?
During a human lifetime, our Sun is relatively calm. It is in the main sequence now and is able to do its business. Stars do weird things as they get older.
The Sun will become a red giant as it ages out of fusion. It will become a beautiful nebula after it sheds its outer layers. Only the dead core of the Sun will remain after 20,000 years. Without the outward pressure from fusion, gravity will crush what is left of the star to the size of Earth. It will be a white dwarf, a cinder of carbon and oxygen that will emit heat for billions of years.
Some stars end up in white dwarfs after their fusion is over. Calculating the number of stars that host planets is difficult. As the star transitions to a white dwarf, what will happen to the planets?
Astronomers can look for clues to the fate of their planets by observing existing white dwarfs.
Even the distant Kuiper Belt might not escape the ravages of a dying Sun.
That is what a team of researchers in Germany and the US did in their paper. Observational data on the white dwarf was looked at by them. The paper can be found on the pre-print site arxiv.org.
A hydrogen-dominated atmosphere polluted with other elements is located 86 light-years away. Twenty-four years of data from the Keck observatory show a steady accretion of these materials onto the white dwarf. The researchers found evidence for the presence of metallic iron. Is it possible that the iron and other elements came from a single parent? Is there more than one body that can explain the presence of all these materials?
If this metallic iron comes from a single parent body, it is unlike anything in our own Solar System. The authors say that the parent material is rich in nitrogen and likely has a lot of metallic iron. The mix is different than any other solar system body.
They wrote that if it came from two separate bodies, one was made of Mercury-like, iron-rich material and the other was an icy Kuiper Belt object. Chemical evidence for both rocky and icy bodies is provided by these objects, according to the paper.
This work is dependent on the mix of elements and how they look in a solar system. Oxygen is a part of all objects in the solar system. Carbon, nitrogen, and iron are not the same as one another. They are described as much more specialized. There is more Fe in objects that form close to the parent star. It is not expected that objects that are high in Fe will also be high in N. The two-body model is able to reproduce this characteristic.
There is a correlation between the metal-rich exo-planetesimal and the volatile-rich G238 44.
The object is a belt. This would be the first evidence of the simultaneous accretion of two distinct parent bodies in a white dwarf. The white dwarf has material from a metal-rich body and a volatile-rich body.