The new date is Nov 15, 2022, 02:50pmEST.
According to the Associated Press and CNN, two people were killed when Russian missiles crossed into Poland and hit NATO territory.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is in Turkey. The photo was taken by OZANKOSE/AFP.
The strike is not known if it was intentional.
AP is reporting that two people died after a projectile hit an area used for drying grain in Przewodw, a village along the Ukrainian border.
A spokesman for the Polish government told The Associated Press that the country's leaders were holding an emergency meeting.
The United States will defend every inch of NATO territory with the full force of American power according to President Joe Biden. NATO members have the right to respond with "such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area." At this point, there is no indication that such a response is being considered.
Russian forces fired missiles at civilian targets in Ukraine on Tuesday.
The story is evolving. Don't forget to check back for the latest news.