Two NASA scientists have forwarded a heartbreaking explanation for why we haven't yet met any other intelligent life forms in a paper that feels more like a call to action than a science fiction-esque premise would suggest.

What's the general idea? The aliens were able to destroy themselves before we got to them. Two NASA scientists, a student at a Catholic high school, and a Polish political science professor are behind the paper.

In an ominous twist, they point out that whatever terrible event has, other civilizations have likely "filtered" themselves out by blowing themselves up.

As our society advances towards space exploration, we postulate that an existential disaster may lay in wait, acting as the Great Filter, a phenomenon that wipes out civilizations before they can meet each other.

Track Record

Humans' history of war, disease, and environmental degradation was considered a model by the researchers. A future of interplanetary contact would be impossible if other civilizations were similar to us.

The researchers postulate a few saving graces if we can see far enough to avoid our demise.

Identifyingdestructive attributes in ourselves and neutralizing them in advance is the key to successful traversing a universal filter.

We have to figure out what is wrong with us and fix it. It sounds easy, right?

A study suggests that there may be as many bad Civilizations as good in our universe.