Katie Hobbs, left, and Kari Lake. Hobbs will be Arizona's new governor.
Katie Hobbs, left, and Kari Lake. Hobbs will be Arizona's new governor.

The two people are, left to right, He will be the new governor.

In the race for Arizona governor, the Democrats are projected to defeat the Republicans, giving them a major victory.

The secretary of state flipped the governorship to Democrats as she prepares to take over for a term-limited GOP Gov. Doug Ducey.

The Donald Trump-endorsed Republican was beaten by a woman who ran a campaign that her own party found boring. The state's top elections official didn't debate her opponent or have her same presence on the campaign trail.

Strong Democratic turnout and the support of independent voters made a big difference in the outcome of the election.

A common reservation about Lake is that she is too radical. I don't think she's a uniter

In contrast to her opponent, Hobbs has the experience of being a state lawmaker and overseeing the 2020 election, which led to a largely discredited GOP-led audit and chilling threats against her. Lake left her job as a news anchor to run for office.

She is not ready for the job, she is dangerous for the job, and so on and so forth. She has no qualifications, no plans to lead the state, and everything about her distracts from that.

The GOP nominee is one of the most prominent election-denying candidates in the country, and the governor's race seems to be the beginning of her political career. Lake is often thrown out as a potential running mate for Trump in the future. She is seen as a natural replacement for Trump.

It is not clear if Lake will accept the results of the election or not. Lake didn't back down when asked by an interviewer. She said she would accept the results of the election.

Lake questioned the legitimacy of the election and said that she wouldn't certify the results. Democrats were worried that Lake was a legitimate threat to democracy and Lake dismissed their concerns as politically motivated and overblown. Lake was referred to as "that Trump-endorsed, election-denying, media-hating, conspiracy-loving GOP nominee."

She wasn't free of baggage. Two civil court rulings held that she discriminated against a Black policy advisor. The episode became fodder for Lake to accuse her opponent of being a racist.

Over the past 10 years, Arizona has become a fertile ground for Democrats. Four years after Donald Trump won the presidency, Joe Biden flipped the state. The race for governor and other down-ballot contests were always close.

Obama said in Arizona last week that he wouldn't vote for someone he knew wasn't telling the truth.

The meat-and-potatoes issues that generally consume the role of governor are the rising inflation, unreasonable health care costs, and the state's water shortage.

She was criticized from within her own party for refusing to debate Lake, a move that saved her from having to do battle on Lake's turf. Lake criticized her as a liar.

The debate doesn't help a candidate win.
