Image for article titled Why Interview With the Vampire's Finale Didn't Stick to the Book

Fans of Anne Rice's Interview With the Vampire know that the first attempt to kill Lestat in the books is less violent than the AMC series.

The show has a ball followed by a massacre at the Rue Royale, but the original story has a single person poisoning and exsanguinating her maker. Lestat tried to stop her and Louis as they made their way to Europe. He was pushed into a building and set it on fire. The cast and crew talked about why the story was changed.

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In the last act of the series, Louis pulled Lestat off the sideline and forced a blade into his hand. It is Louis who slit Lestat's throat. The scene was more emotional for Jacob Anderson than he anticipated. He told Variety that he was a mess. I felt like I lost myself in those scenes. The idea of it all ending freaked me out because it means the dynamic is going to change next year. The thing is going to be different. It was heartbreaking that it had to be done at my hands.

Louis doesn't have to go through with setting Lestat on fire because Anderson broke down during filming. Anderson said that killingLestat would be to kill a part of himself and a part of Louis. Lestat is put in a coffin and thrown away. One of the last scenes in the series is the coffin opening and Lestat trying to catch a rat.

It would be boring to end the show with Lestat's return. Anyone who has read the books knows that Lestat is around for a long time. Even if death doesn't stick, Lestat still means something.

He knows that Louis is going to kill him and that he needs to do this. Rolin Jones said that in this show, which fully and whole-heartedly embraces the twisted romance at its center, love had to be the thing that brought Lestat down.

Lestat's love language is murder. Who else should it be thanLouis?

You can watch Interview With the Vampire on AMC+.

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