A star has a surface. It may sound strange. Human intuition is related to our evolution on Earth, where up is up, down is down and there are three states of matter. Intuition doesn't work when confronted with the universe.
The most intense magnetic fields we know of are found in magnetars. The stellar remnants of a massive star explode as a supernova. Magnetars are also magnetized and have a slower rotation. A neutron star can spin as fast as ten times per second.
Scientists thought Magnetars must have existed before they found them. They were used to explain the existence of softgamma-ray sources. The hypothesis is that a magnetar emits x-rays and gamma rays when it decays. The field takes a long time to decay. Researchers estimate that there are 30 million inactive magnetars in the universe.
Powerful x-rays are emitted by magnets. Our Sun needs an entire year to emit its bursts and flares. Scientists think that the magnetic fields can be up to one thousand times more powerful than the magnetic fields around the stars.
One of the magnetars has a solid surface and no atmosphere. It is about 11,000 light years away from Earth in the constellation. The study is called "Polarized x-rays from a magnetar." The author is from Italy.
“The star’s gas has reached a tipping point and become solid in a similar way that water might turn to ice. This is a result of the star’s incredibly strong magnetic field.”
Co-lead author Professor Silvia Zane, UCL, IXPE science team member.
The study was made possible by the launch of a spaceship. The Italian Space Agency and NASA are working together on a project. The spacecraft observes the x-rays. Extreme environments that polarise x-rays can be found in exotic objects. IXPE can see the x-rays and give insight into the objects. IXPE wants to understand the magnetic fields around magnetars.
It is paying dividends as shown in the study.
Scientists have never seen polarised x-rays from a magnetar. In January and February of 2022, IXPE observed the magnetar for more than 200 hours. What did you see?
A little about polarised light.
The majority of the light we see is not polarized. The light travels in multiple planes and in different directions. Non-polarized light comes from the sun, electric light, and candle flame.
Light vibrates in one plane. You've worn sunglasses before. They reduce glare by blocking the light from vibrating on other planes.
Magnetic fields around magnets can polarise light. Scientists can use the degree of polarity to make deductions about the magnetic fields. That is the center of IXPE's mission and the focus of this study. IXPE has three x-ray polarimetry systems that are independent of each other. The structure of the magnetic fields around objects can be seen in the maps created by IX PE.
The IXPE observation of 4U 0142+61 gave the first ever.
The emission from a magnetar is measured.