When the right to abortion was struck down by the Supreme Court, a bipartisan group of senators decided to codify the rights to same sex and interracial marriage.
There is a moment of silence before the New York City Pride Parade.
The core mission of the legislation to protect marriage equality was left intact by the Senators.
The bill will need the support of at least 10 Republicans to pass.
The senators who made the announcement were Rob Portman (R- OH), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Susan Collins (R- ME), and Kyrsten Sinema (D- AZ).
The House passed a version of the bill in July and the Senate could vote on it this week.
Millions of loving couples in same-sex and interracial marriages will be certain that they will continue to enjoy the freedom, rights, and responsibilities afforded to all other marriages if the Respect for Marriage Act is passed.
The Supreme Court overruled the constitutional right to abortion in June. In his opinion, Clarence Thomas wrote that the Obergefell decision should be reexamined. The Respect For Marriage Act was approved by the House in July of this year. The Senate waited until after the elections to vote on the act because they were unsure of Republican support.
Congress began its final session on Monday before new members join its ranks in January, and Democrats could try to pass a flurry of legislation during the last few weeks of the year.
Clarence Thomas thinks the court should reconsider gay marriage and birth control decisions.
The house will vote on protecting same-sex marriages.
The same-sex marriage bill was delayed until after the mid-terms.