Over the last year, I have tried a dozen Covid tests at home. If it is on the shelf at a drugstore, pharmacy, or grocery store, I have used it many times. I still reach for the instruction manual whenever I open a test because of the fear that I will make a mistake. It reminds me of why I prefer using the Cue Reader diagnostic tool over other at- home tests. Tubes, solutions, cassettes, and test strips are not included.
I didn't like the Covid-19 test kit at one point. I passed on it last year due to its ridiculously high starting price, which has since dropped to $394. It didn't feel right when millions of people were losing jobs and cutting expenses because of the unpredictable times. It was a good idea to just spend $25 on an at- home test and get eight free tests a month. There was always a chance to take a free Covid test.
The free at- home Covid test program has been suspended due to a lack of funding. Federal funding for Covid testing locations and partial insurance coverage for at- home tests are running out. It's possible that you'll end up paying more for your at- home inventory these next few months. It doesn't feel so crazy to invest in a cue reader.
A machine that is small and fast.
That's health.
The at- home test is based on a small central hub called the Cue Reader. The ability to identify small traces of SARS-CoV-2 earlier is what distinguishes it from a rapid test. It's important that we don't spread the virus. The company claims that its test has an accuracy rate of 98 percent. According to the study, Cue's at- home test had 99.4% accuracy.
The reader is small and not unattractive. I keep it on my desk but I can see it on an entryway table or kitchen counter. It is simple to travel with. I put it in my luggage when I went to California, but I also keep it in my duffel when I go home to see my parents. You don't have to worry about replacing batteries because it's rechargeable.
I never thought about taking the test, but I adore this system. The rest is so easy that it doesn't feel like a science experiment. There isn't a tube of solution. The readercue handles everything You will need a phone to use it, but it is easy to set up. Make an account, download the app, and pair the reader with your phone. Open the app when you are ready to take the test. It is easy to memorize, because there are so few steps.
If you want to push Super Mario World into the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, you have to first push one of the few cartridges into the reader. If the app says the cartridge is ready, you can put your nose in it. That is the end. If you need to send a PDF of your results, you can do so after 20 minutes. It's just as easy to clean up as it is to throw out the reader.