The Walking Dead is stumbling towards the end of its series.
I think a lot about missed opportunities as I watch The Walking Dead. I shouldn't think about it. The conclusion to these characters' stories should be something I care about. There are a lot of reasons why I'm not.
It's hard to be emotionally invested in the final season because of these factors. It's hard to care about characters dying when they never seem to and I've lost my feelings for most of them. I am worried about some characters like Princess and Gabriel, but I have begun to like Gabriel more. I just don't pay much attention to that.
I think about missing opportunities. More of the cast could have been killed off. There is a need for a sense of impending doom and rising tension that could have been put in place a long time ago. The drive for revenge would be fresh if Pamela had killed off some of our heroes.
Ross Marquand was the person in the picture.
Everything is messy as we near the end of the line. The good guys are back in the Commonwealth after overcoming their captivity and taking down Pamela. After Eugene escaped, Pamela lost her faith in Mercer and decided to take him down in order to quell the anger over Eugene's sentencing. She has troops steering a herd of walkers to the wall, which she uses to order the streets cleared. A group of people dressed as zombies are walking amongst a group of people.
During this scene, I enjoyed watching Jerry andAaron play Whisperer. I thought of missed opportunities when I saw it. They could have taken the show in a completely different direction and had the heroes become the Whisperers. Rebellion against the Commonwealth was their motivation. They would have created a method of hiding among the walkers wearing zombie masks and whispering to each other in order to avoid detection from the Commonwealth's superior military might.
We did not get that story. Lydia tried to save her boyfriend from a zombie when the group tried to get inside an RV, but they were pushed away by the herd. They tie a tourniquet on her arm and Jerry uses his sword to cut it off. You feel bad for Lydia and for Jerry who agrees to look for the others, but it feels too little, too late. In the last episode of The Walking Dead, Lydia had her arm severed.
I think Judith is still alive, though I don't know if she's dead or alive. She was shot when Pamela opened fire on the group as they tried to get into the city. The man was supposed to meet them, but he has been arrested. A gunfight ensues when Pamela's men show up. Pamela joined the fight, grabbing a gun and shooting at the other person. Judith saved her by taking the bullet instead. Pamela didn't want the blood of a child on her hand. She yelled at them as she left. This is what you did!
Norman Reedus and Anthony Azor are the actors who play the characters.
Pamela's plans go wrong in many ways. The zombies have evolved and the walls are no longer holding them back with the few troops she has to spare. The zombies were able to open the gates to the city by climbing the walls. The horde makes its way towards the Commonwealth and Pamela orders her troops to seal off theEstates where she and the other rich and powerful live Pamela told the woman that their job was to protect the Estates.
survival is more important than rebellion. The survivors fight through the zombies so that they can open the door for him to get help. She looked up at him through her blurry eyes. The best moment of the episode is this one. When all this was over, he would tell her all the stories he could remember about her and her family. Judith talked about having two mothers, but she has also had two fathers. Now that everyone else is gone, she has taken on the role of her adoptive father. She calls him for the first time and it is a sad moment.
I don't know if this show will end with the death of a family member. In the end, we will find out.
They haven't killed off anyone yet. Eugene overcame the soldier searching for him and joined up with the other fighters. Even if things aren't going well for Judith and Lydia, everyone is still alive. There are more main characters in Season 11 than there were in Season 10 with the addition of a new wife and the return of a family.
There is a problem with the armor. It's weird that any deaths have to happen in one episode. Jerry is likely a goner. I would be happy if all of them survived. If this show had steel, it would end like The Mission, with just the children left to pick up the pieces of a broken, tragic world.
The finale of The Walking Dead won't be on AMC+ today. I wish AMC wouldn't have broken up the show's audience this way. It's better to show the episodes at the same time. That is what event TV is supposed to be and we will get it one last time next Sunday, November 20th. It has been a strange journey.