Nancy Pelosi is known for her ability to get Democrats to vote for important pieces of legislation such as the Inflation Reduction Act.

The speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, was expected to step down from her position next year to make way for a new generation of leaders after agreeing to a term limit.

The results of the 2020 elections have changed the calculus for some Democrats, as the party could potentially retain an incredibly slender majority after all the votes are counted.

According to two sources with knowledge of the situation who spoke with CNN, Pelosi has been contacted by several members who have asked her to remain in her role in the new Congress, even if the party fails to retain its majority.

The spokesman for Pelosi didn't have a time frame for any announcements.

He told CNN that the speaker would make an announcement when she made one. Kevin McCarthy has lost a speakership his party hasn't even won yet.

The party with the most seats in the House has to win 218.

According to Insider, Republicans have won over 200 seats, while Democrats have won over 100.

The House is controlled by Democrats.

The Democrats took control of the lower chamber in January of 2019.

Pelosi was the leader of the house from 2007 to 2011.