On Veteran's Day, we honor the men and women who have served our country.
On Veteran's Day, we pay our respects to all the men and women who have served in the armed forces and coincides with foreign holidays such as Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, which commemorate the end of World War I. November 11th is the date.
One way to remember those who have served in the military is through film. There are thirteen great war movies, some more directly about veterans and others more directly about the wars themselves, to watch this Veteran's Day or over the weekend.
I believe that war is something that crosses national boundaries and not all of these are American movies. There is a bond between veterans of wars from all over the world.
Please let me know what your favorite war and/or movies about veterans are on social media so I can make a list.
Private Ryan is being saved.
One of the best war movies of all time was made by Steven Spielberg. It depicts the violence and bravery of the men who fought on the beaches of Normandy and into Nazi-occupied Europe. Spielberg directed a movie about the Holocaust.
It is recommended for you.
The number one
There are two
Hacksaw Ridge is located near Hacksaw Ridge.
The true story of a soldier who won the Congressional Medal of Honor despite not holding a gun is told in Hacksaw Ridge. The Doss was mocked before he was applauded for his bravery. He is at his best in the director's chair here.
There are five bloods.
Five veterans return to Vietnam years after the war to find gold and retrieve a friend's body. You will enjoy Spike Lee films if you like them. There was a tale of friendship and suffering.
There are a few good men.
One of the best military movies of all time. The legal drama surrounding the death of a soldier at the Gitmo Bay Naval Base was knocked out of the park by Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise.
A full metal jacket.
One of the best and most famous Vietnam War films of all time is Full Metal Jacket. A group of soldiers from Basic Training go into the chaos of Vietnam. There was a lot of black comedy.
The end is near.
The Vietnam War masterpiece is as dark as any on this list, a weird journey into the heart of darkness that is based on the Joseph Conrad book. The cast makes this a must-watch war movie, and they are all at their best.
There is a person named "patton."
George C. Scott won the best actor award for his performance in the film. Before Scott was cast, Lee Marvin, John Wayne, RobertMitchum, and Rod Steiger all turned down the part. Scott is the only one who can picture anyone else in the role now.
I was born on the 4th.
One of the more anti-war films in this list focuses on the lives of veterans. Tom Cruise is playing a disabled veteran in a movie. The story isautobiographical. Stone is a director. Tom Cruise was nominated for the first time for best actor.
There is a deer hunter.
The Deer Hunter is one of the best films of all time. The story takes place in both Vietnam and Pennsylvania and deals with both the war and the aftermath of it.
There is a movie called American Sniper.
The Bradley Cooper-led, Clint Eastwood- directed American Sniper was controversial when it was released because of the controversial nature of the man's story. Chris Kyle, a decorated Iraq War veteran and ace sniper, drew controversy with his writings and statements when he became a more public figure. The movie painted a grim picture of both the Iraq War and the difficulties veterans face when they return home, but I didn't think it was pro-war propaganda.
A film about a man named Forrest Gump.
Even though Tom Hanks is brilliant in the title role, Forrest Gump isn't as good as a lot of these. It's a very 90s' era movie in many ways, but it's charming and Gump runs through my home town of Flagstaff, AZ on his cross country trek, so I have a little extra fondness for the fairy tale. One of the more powerful parts of the story is the friendship between Forrest and Jenny and Lieutenant Dan, who is a wounded war veteran. Gary Sinise started a foundation called the Gary Sinise Foundation. specially adapted smart homes for severely wounded veterans are provided by the charity. There is more information about the foundation here. It is a class act.
A year later, 1917.
1917 is one of the best war films of the 21st century. A small, but important, story about two men on a desperate mission to save lives is told in the film. It's absolutely worth it.
They won't grow old.
Peter Jackson has drawn a lot of comparisons to The Lord of the Rings trilogy with The Rings of Power. His most recent picture is the war documentary They Shall Not Grow Old, which uses original footage from the first World War and audio interviews with the British servicemen. The footage has been restored One of the most extraordinary glimpse into history you can imagine is offered by the production.
It was glory.
The story of a group of black soldiers in the American Civil War is told in Glory. Washington won the award for best supporting actor.
There is a war going on.
Mel Gibson's first film was a war film called Gallipoli. Young recruits in World War 1 are recruited by the British and end up fighting at the Battle of Gallipoli. It's haunting and sad. The film shows how unprepared the world was for warfare and how brutal it was.
There is a band of brothers.
While not a movie, the WWII show based on Stephen E. Ambrose's 1992 non-fiction book is a historical look at the hardship faced by American soldiers as they fight their way into Germany. A stellar ensemble cast who you'll recognize from many other shows and movies makes this well worth watching.