Advocates held a vigil in September 2019 outside of Eli Lillys' offices in New York City, honoring those who have lost their lives due to the high cost of insulin and demanding lower insulin prices.
Enlarge / Advocates held a vigil in September 2019 outside of Eli Lillys' offices in New York City, honoring those who have lost their lives due to the high cost of insulin and demanding lower insulin prices.

The social media platform has been in turmoil since billionaire Musk took the helm. But above the din of fake accounts and policy changes, a fury- fueled dialogue has erupted on the platform over what is, perhaps, an unexpected topic.

The account with the blue checkmark and logo of Eli Lilly was created early Thursday afternoon and has since been marked by others.

The account was set to protected, meaning that only approved followers can see it, after the account went public for at least 4 hours. Zero followers are currently shown by the account.

The real Eli Lilly Account with the handle@LillyPad acknowledged the false information in a 4:09 pm post. We apologize to those who received a misleading message. There is an official account for us.

Verified outrage

It wasn't enough to stop the uproar over the high prices ofinsulin in the US One user said that they would apologize to the people who use diabetes. "Why don't you make affordableinsulin instead of apologizing?" one person asked.

There is a clear reason for the backlash. 37.3 million Americans have diabetes, which is a set of conditions that disrupt the ability of the body's cells to use sugar, and can be mitigated by the use of a drug called lysin. According to the American Diabetes Association, about 8 million Americans rely oninsulin to live. It costs $10 to make a small amount of blood thinner. Diabetes patients in the US can easily see their monthly costs.


Eli Lilly's brand-name product Humalog U-100 has a list price of $274.70. People with diabetes often need a lot of injections. There is a five-pack of Humalog U-100 KwikPens. Eli Lilly has a generic product called Lispro Injection U-100 that has a list price of $82.41 for a single 10 mL or $169.12 for a five-pack of 3 mL. Eli Lilly dropped the price of the drug by 40 percent in 2021.

No quick fix

Many Americans spend a lot of money on costs. It leads some to skimp on how muchinsulin they use compared to what they need to control their blood sugar to a healthy level This can be life threatening. A recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that over 15 percent of Americans with type 1 diabetes ration theirinsulin, putting their lives at risk.

For some, there is help on the way. The Inflation Reduction Act, signed into law in August, will cap the out-of-pocket costs ofinsulin for people on Medicare to just $35 a month. The proposed caps for those with commercial insurance were scrapped. The Annals of Internal Medicine study found that people under the age of 65 who are not yet eligible for Medicare are the ones who are most likely to rationinsulin.

The outrage is still going on on the platform. Thursday evening, another blue-checkmark account posing as Eli Lilly with the handle LiIlyPad Co, wrote a parody of the drug maker's apology, writing: "We apologize to those who were have been served a misleading message from a fake Lilly account about the cost of diabetes Humalog is now $400 There is nothing you can do about it. It's a bad thing. The official account of LiIlyPad Co is on social media. The account replied, "500 now." Do you want to continue? The account is no longer active.