"If they're not that great, I'll buy them all in a click, even if they're not that great," said Musk in a recent interview.

In his first meeting with employees, the new CEO of the social media platform said he thinks the company should combine their ad and recommendation engines to show ads that are as accurate as possible.

He told employees that an ad done well is what someone would want to buy. You need a wide range of ads to be content.

He said that being asked to sign up for a mortgage when you don't want to is annoying.

The CEO explained that his targeted product advertising strategy would allow him to shop on social-media.

I would like to see ads for gizmos. He said that if he saw ads for gizmos he would buy them all in a click. I'll keep buying gizmos even if they're not great. I'm a big fan of technology. Content for gizmos will not include an ad or ability to buy the gizmo.

He said that he had to send it to his assistant so she could buy it. It goes that way. I would be happy to click on it and make a purchase.

Musk said in the meeting that declaring bankruptcy was not out of the question if the social media platform didn't solve its cash flow problems.