On the anniversary of Kristallnacht, when Jewish homes and businesses in Germany were looted leading up to World War II and the Holocaust, a notice was mistakenly sent to customers inviting them to treat themselves to a meal at Kentucky Fried Chicken.

The notification was sent to a group of people. According to the outlet, "Commemoration of the Reichspogromnacht - Treat yourself to more tender cheese with the fried chicken." The place is now at KFCheese.

Kristallnacht is a German word meaning "nacht".

In an email to Entrepreneur, Kentucky Fried Chicken apologized for the statement it made, saying it was wrong and unacceptable.

Kristallnacht occurred on November 9 and 10, 1938, as part of an ongoing campaign in Nazi Germany to discriminate and commit violence against Jews. Kristallnacht, or the "Night of Broken Glass," was a series of attacks on Jewish businesses and homes in Germany and Austria. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were sent to concentration camps after the synagogues were destroyed.

The new photos were given to Israel's Holocaust museum.

The Anti-Defamation League was one of the groups that took to social media to express outrage about the notification.

Wie daneben kann man eigentlich sein an #Reichspogromnacht, @KFCDeutschland (@kfc )?! Schämt euch! https://t.co/nJvE15Nn0X

— Dalia Grinfeld (@DaliaGrinfeld) November 9, 2022

How wrong can you be at Reichspogromnacht? Shame on you!

The notification was also posted by other users.

Wow, just wow! I am utterly speechless and repulsed! @kfc Germany puts out promotional campaign inviting customers to treat themselves on #Kristallnacht … with some "crispy chicken with tender cheese."

You can't make this up! pic.twitter.com/dvKTUvo3wv

— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) November 9, 2022

The notification happened because of an event schedule.

A semi-automated content creation process is used by Kentucky Fried Chicken. The internal review process was not followed and a notification was not approved.

All communications were stopped on the app. We are committed to equity, inclusion, and belonging for all and understand and respect the history of this day.

There has been a public increase in antisemitism. There has been a 34% increase in instances of antisemitic violence in the US in the year 2021.

West, now known as Ye, was dropped from several brands after making comments about violence against Jews. Irving is currently serving a five game suspension for sharing an antisemitic documentary on social media. Irving's deal with Nike is likely to be over, according to the company's co- founder.

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