A new Morning Consult poll shows that support for Donald Trump in the Republican primary has fallen by nine percentage points since August.
Donald Trump's supporters await his arrival at a rally in Vandalia.
Almost half of potential Republican primary voters would support Trump if the primaries were held today, compared to 26% who would back DeSantis and 26% who wouldn't vote for anyone else.
In August, Trump had a high of 57% who supported him, but now he has a low of 42% who will vote for him in September and then a low of 39% in October.
In that time, the share of people who want a different candidate has remained the same, but the popularity of DeSantis has gone up from 18% in August to 26% in October.
The Morning Consult found that 75% of Trump supporters are under the age of 65, compared to 34% of DeSantis supporters, and that 29% of Trump supporters have attended college or graduate school, compared to 42% of DeSantis supporters.
Only 18% of those who plan to vote for the ex-president will make more than $100,000 a year, compared to 30% of those who will vote for the current president.
Suburban voters made up 60 percent of his support base, while rural and urban respondents preferred Trump.
This was the end of the Trump era and the beginning of the DeSantis era according to a Republican operative. He did this to himself because he was stupid and reckless.
It is widely expected that Trump will announce his candidacy for the presidency of the United States on November 15th. The former president hosted a series of rallies for endorsed candidates and had a super PAC linked to him pour millions into Senate races as he prepared to run for president. Part of the GOP's disappointing showing in the election was due to his favored candidates having a mixed showing. The New York Times reported that the former president is angry about the election results. The election of Ron DeSantis to a second term as Florida's governor was a good night for him, increasing chatter about his presidential odds.
It is possible that Trump will actually announce his campaign on November 15. According to the Washington Post, Trump's advisors want him to delay his announcement so that he doesn't distract from the Georgia Senate race. The ex-president has not made up his mind yet, the Post reports, though he cast doubt on delaying in an interview on Fox News late Wednesday, calling the election a "tremendous success." According to sources cited by ABC News, the ex-president's campaign is a "sinking ship" as the Florida governor's popularity grows.
There has been an increase in Trump's GOP primary support ahead of his potential 2020 announcement.
The Trump-backed candidates have mixed showings in the mid-terms.
The Trump team wants to delay the launch.
At least 14 of Trump's candidates are projected to lose in the upcoming elections.