Donald Trump's future in the Republican party will be the subject of an old nursery rhyme in the New York Post's Thursday issue.

Can all the GOP's men put the party back together? The cover read "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall" The cover was shared by a New York Times correspondent.

—Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) November 10, 2022

The paper's endorsement of the former president in 2020 is not reflected in the cover of the paper.

According to The Post's editorial board, Trump would bring back "explosive job creation, rising wages and general prosperity" prior to the outbreak. The Post didn't support Trump in 2016

Republicans are questioning whether Trump will be an asset or a liability after the results of the election.

Piers Morgan is a columnist for The Post and wrote the cover story. He wrote that it was a better night for the Democrats and President Biden than they expected.

He wrote that the reason for this had nothing to do with anything they did and everything to do with Trump's hold on the GOP.